Saint-Hubert AirportContact info

Contact info

Navigation office : 
Aérodrome de Saint-Hubert, 5 bte 2
B-6870 Saint-Hubert
Tel. : +32 (0)61/61-00-10

Opening hours (local time) : :
The opening hours may vary daily (weather or sunset time for example), please check with the tower on
+32 (0)61/61-00-10 for more information.

Generally, we are open from 09:00 to 21:00 (or sunset, whichever comes first) during summer, and from 09:00 to 17:00 during winter.
For further information, please use the following form :
Title :
Last Name *: First name *:
Post code *: Town *:
Phone *: e-mail *:
Your information request :
Combien font 3 + 5 *
